Book Club Guidelines
Book Club is not a therapy group, and participation does not constitute a therapeutic relationship with the facilitator. If you are interested in therapy, please discuss this with the facilitator outside of group for help getting connected with a therapist.
If you reserved a spot, but cannot attend, please contact Sexual Wellness PA so that they can offer your spot to another interested person.
Read the whole book before the meeting. Or, if there is an associated podcast, blog, or videos, check those out instead. Being prepared will make the discussion much more interesting and lively.
Bring your curiosity! Come with questions and topics for discussion.
Treat all Book Club participants with respect. This is a safe space for learning and discussion.
Know that other members may have different experiences, interests, beliefs and ideas than yours, and this is what makes for a rich discussion. It's okay to have different beliefs, so long as we express them respectfully.
Don’t yuck anyone else’s yum. It might not be for you, but as long as it’s not illegal and it’s consensual, it’s just fine.
Feel free to bring snacks or drinks to share with the group if you like!
Are there other topics you'd love to read about and discuss? Share them during the meeting, and maybe we'll plan to read a book about it!